ACBI is a dynamic blended approach to earning your degree. Complete courses in your own home or church! The Administrators' Training course takes place at the A.C.E. office in Hendersonville, and the Educational Assistance and Service Adventure internship programs take place abroad.
ACBI will mail them to you.
No. ACBI offers excellent scholarships unrelated to government funding.
No. Practicums and internships that provide opportunities to minister while traveling abroad are available but are not required.
Students must have graduated from a Christian school using the A.C.E. program, preferably a Model School or Quality Status school. Students graduating from Lighthouse Christian Academy, the official distance-learning provider for ACEM, may also be eligible. Adult learners must have previously served or be currently serving in a Learning Center using the A.C.E. program.
ACBI is not accredited but is authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.
Certificate of Training in Christian Education (1 year)
Associate of Applied Arts in Christian Education (2 years)
Yes. Adult learners must have previously served or be currently serving in a Learning Center using the A.C.E. program.
Each year consists of two semesters. Students will pay by semester and have the option of paying one semester in full or in four monthly installments.
Yes. Contact the Director of Admissions for more information.